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The CVA offers four annual Membership tiers that covers all areas of service and protections under a PMA. Our core level is General Membership. This may be extended with further protections under Professional, Property & Livestock membership tiers.


Our fourth tier is the Casual/Visitor Membership option. This is a temporary membership that may be accessed when doing business with existing CVA members.



This is our primary base Membership Tier that applies to all man or woman wishing to become a CVA Member  (As an individual or with a spouse and/or children). Professional, Property and Livestock memberships may be added for added protections.  This Membership tier is bound by the Bylaws in their entirety.



Professional Membership is an additional layer of protection on top of the General Membership that applies to any professional man or woman who wishes to secure PMA protections to their business or professional practice. This Membership tier is bound by the Bylaws in their entirety.


Property & Livestock

The Property and/or Livestock Membership tier is an additional option of protection on top of the General Membership. This applies for any man or woman who wishes to secure CVA protections to their property and/or livestock. This Membership tier is bound by the Bylaws in their entirety.


Casual / Guest

In order to do commerce and/or trade with any CVA Member under this PMA, a casual/guest membership must first be established. This membership tier is also bound by the Code of Values and the Internal Dispute Resolution Process.

How does the CVA operate under law?
What does it mean to live in a parallel economy?

As you experience living and working within the CVA parallel economy, you will find that you need to ‘unlearn’ a great many 'rules' and much of the 'conditioning' that we have all grown accustomed to, while being raised within the corporate and state (government) controlled systems.  Whilst common sense exists in many of the 'governing rules' we followed, many are established and slanted towards driving profits for the state and associated corporations, that steered us into all the costly professional services where fees are charged. This is a fundamental difference that defines the CVA. We focus on the private where conversations and agreements are activated privately, without state or corporate involvement. 


The CVA also understands that education, practice and time are important and necessary for us to provide our members as we progressively undo the the generations of conditioning and learn the new way of living in the private, under the umbrella of this Australian Private Members Association - Conscious Village Association.

How does PMA membership affect everyday life?

​The biggest effect on everyday life is that operating within your PMA removes the local, state, and commonwealth government’s ability to regulate or interfere with your business, including removing their ability to require the issuing of their licenses. It restores many of the liberties that people think they have now. A PMA is a vehicle for citizens to remove government interference from their business.


Within the PMA operations and relationships, these licenses are not required.  However, please remember that when operating in a public realm, such as a public road, licenses such as a motor vehicle driver’s license is required. We have to straddle the public/corporate and private world divides.

Membership Criteria
  • Must be an Australian man or woman, living in Australia

How to become a CVA Member
  • Be invited to join a CVA Information Workshop by an existing CVA Member, or apply to attend via our online form b

  • Attend a CVA Information Workshop (approximately 2-3hours)

  • Upon completion of Information Workshop, you may submit a CVA Membership Application (provided at the end of the workshop)

  • Read, sign & submit the CVA Membership Bylaws Agreement

  • Pay CVA Annual Membership Fee (as per your Membership level which is provided at the Information Workshop)

  • Your Membership Bylaw Agreement is counter-signed by a CVA Co-Founder & returned to you along with your Payment receipt and unique CVA Membership number

  • Your CVA Membership is then active

Upon completion of your Membership, all CVA Members receive:

  1. Welcome Letter with our website and contact details
  2. Membership Card containing your name, CVA Membership number, CVA website  address and a QR Code to a Private Landing page
  3. Education / Information Booklet 
Membership Pack

As the CVA, like every well-established PMA, operates in a non-statutory environment, there are no lawyers or courts. Instead, we have an Internal Dispute Resolution system, rather than law firms to settle arguments or disputes.  It is well known that law firms are paid hourly rates. It is in their interests to prolong the negotiation/argument, and thereby increase their fees. The CVA's internal dispute resolution process begins with a conversation, and may proceed to mediation in front of a third party, but will never include a lawyer. Therefore, all resolutions are reached internally within the CVA and do not include lawyers or the judicial court system.

Want to become a CVA member?

The first step to CVA Membership begins with attending a FREE Information Workshop to learn all you need to know. Go to our Workshop Page to book now!

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