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Conscious Village Association (CVA) is an Australian Private Members Association (PMA).


We are cultivating an Australia wide conscious community and parallel economy under the private jurisdiction protection umbrella of our own unique PMA.


Our aim is to provide all our members true freedom, so that we all may live empowered, supported and prosperous lives away from government over reach and corporate interference, now and into the future. 

You are now amongst friends

Our Values

CVA is built upon a foundation of Integrity, respect and trust.

These values underpin who we are, how we operate and the key attributes of our members.

What is a Private Member's Association? (PMA)

  • A Private Membership Association (“PMA”) is a lawful construct under which living men and woman may become members

  • Created under International Law, PMAs carry an established history globally that places them separate to the state and outside of the public realm

  • As such, PMAs maintain a significant and unique standing in law, being generally immune from most, if not all, state and federal Public Laws

  • PMAs are, as the name determines therefore ‘private’ and are not generally controlled, governed or regulated by Public Law, Regulations or Administrative Agency Rules

How does a PMA function?

  • A PMA is self-determined under its own by-laws from which is it is also self-governed

  • The constitutionally secured rights in addition to a PMAs own by-laws remain private, within the confines of the PMA, existing purely between the PMA and it’s members, as private contractual agreement between both parties

Why is a PMA membership beneficial?

  • ​PMA member benefits are many, including the collective right to assert and stand upon the right to;

  • Provide and share, legal and lawful services, procedures, advice, counsel, tips and any other information or services which may be deemed beneficial to Association Members

  • Determine what devices, products, procedures, advice, or services deemed most beneficial for members of the Association

  • All matters, whatever you do that is good, moral, naturally right, beneficial to mankind or lawful (regardless of being prohibited by any state or commonwealth statute) communicated or performed in the assertion of and standing upon the constitutionally secured rights, remains within the confines of a PMA, by and between PMA and it’s members at all times

Are there any exceptions under a PMA?

  • The exception would be if the activities of the association presented a "clear and present danger of a substantial evil". The phrase “clear and present danger of a substantial evil” can be more easily interpreted as activity that causes an immediate threat of serious harm or death.  Crimes against a person, or acts of terrorism would be included here.  This is the fundamental understanding we have within Conscious Village Association that all our members respect and adhere to.

Do I need a ‘license’ to have a PMA?

  • The definition of license is "written permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal". By asking permission (getting a license) you are agreeing to conduct business within the public domain and agreeing to give other entities the ability to regulate your business

  • There is no need, or requirement, for permission when operating in the private domain. There is no need for recognition of any titles, certifications, etc. There is no need to volunteer to allow regulation to be imposed upon you or your business

  • Your own Private Association, Private Membership Association, Private Education Association, or Private Health Association is the vehicle to take your business to the private domain

  • ALL Private Associations are not created equal which is WHY we made sure the Conscious Village Association is NOT statutory compliant.  If it was, you would be volunteering to remain within the jurisdiction of the public domain

Is it easier to do business?

  • ​Having a PMA can make running a business much easier. With PMA private protections, all the headaches of licenses, compliance and regulation are removed. In addition, depending on the type of business you own, it is also possible to avoid the need for the usual level of accounting documentation

  • This also means that business may also be conducted under the PMA bylaw protections and rights without government infringements (license, compliance, regulations), simply by inviting your clients to become members of your PMA. It is for this reason, the CVA has a ‘Casual/Guest Membership’ option. This allows clients to transact with you under the PMA offering full protections, where your relationship between the PMA, the member and customer/client, is firmly placed within the PMA protections under the bylaws. As such, all matters, including disputes are bound by the Internal Dispute Resolution process as outlined in the CVA bylaws

Private Membership Association (PMA) examples

  • Private Associations are commonly known as Private Membership Association, Private Education Association, Private Health Association, Private Ministerial Association (Faith based organization or FBO), Private Drinking Club, Private Social Club, Private Fraternal Organization, and others

  • The Australian and USA government have made little effort to overstep boundaries when it comes to private associations. As a result there has been little need to involve the courts, with very few cases of government being able to successfully challenge the operation of a PMA. The few that have been successfully challenged by the Government were because the PMA was formed as an “expressive association” or in “statutory compliance”, giving government the authority to intervene from the founding of the association

  • One example where Private Associations have been widely used is throughout the natural healthcare industry.  As we witness government increasing new and more stringent requirements across licenses and regulations across the natural healthcare industry, the need for the protection of a PMA is becoming more important and necessary

What laws protect PMA's in Australia?

  • A properly formed PMA is human rights compliant and can be formed in almost any country. Under international law, and the laws of your country, there should be information on private life and associative memberships versus public life status.  The links below will be of interest

Operating within Australian law

  • Professional associations need to take the following steps to ensure they are operating within Australian law:

  • Check that any self-regulation codes, restrictions and sanctions are transparent, comply with Human Rights Act of 1998 and do not impede competition

  • Only provide industry pricing as a recommendation or guide. Never impose these through disciplinary actions against members as this could be seen as restricting trade or fixing prices, bringing you back under statutory law

  • Ensure that any prices you recommend are developed on the basis of costing or other calculations by an outside party and that individual members have had a direct hand in these calculations

  • Ensure that members understand they must independently determine their own prices and negotiate their own contracts. This may mean educating members on how to calculate and set prices their own prices and conduct their own negotiations

  • Ensure membership rules are transparent and applied equally to all members, including substantiating reasons for accreditation or qualification requirements

  • Check that the rules are not overly restrictive and do not have the effect of limiting competition

Why are PMA's immune from public laws?

  • PMAs are private, not public.  They are non-statutory.  Private Membership Associations have been around for a very long time, however they are not commonly known about (as they sit in the private)

  • The ability to form a PMA, the protections afforded by a properly formed PMA with the right to assemble and to associate has always existed, however this concept and information is new to many

  • The level of protection from public laws is determined by the founding documents, called the Articles of Association that that are enshrined in the PMA's bylaws. If the PMA is properly formed, these establishing documents will clearly define who has the authority to determine all matters of association business and which tribunals and authorities have the jurisdiction to get involved.  This is determined by the founder/s, trustees, or their appointees

  • While every PMA is different in its construct, the Conscious Village Association Bylaws have been carefully and deliberately crafted to achieve very specific purposes for the benefit of all our members

  • However, if a PMAs founding documents, including the Articles of Association and Bylaws are created in “statutory compliance,” the courts maintain their jurisdiction, even if that jurisdiction is limited

  • Therefore, it is crucial that the Articles of Association and Bylaws and all associated documents correctly drawn up, but not by a law firm or government aligned agency that sits within the public

We welcome your interest

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